Kokeiro 田中遼馬
Ryoma Tanaka-Japanese potter, the founder of Kokeiro Kobo
He started to create pottery from 2004. The begging years of his art work had his signature "pear" design and later years he has been trying new designs of animals and architecture. Regardless the time, his artistic style always shines throughout his career.
Rough touch of glaze and delicate design can be found in all his art work.
With warm cozy colours, his art work is simple yet extremely interesting.
2004年より作陶を始める。 初期は特徴的な洋ナシ、後期は動物や建築の文様を試みたが、全体の作風は一直線に受け継がれ、ラフな釉薬や繊細な文様がそのまま受け継がれている。心地よい色彩と相まって、作品はシンプルでありながら興味深いものです。